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 02-16-2005, 22:22 Post: 106261

Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Shingletown, Ca. (Near Redding)
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 Let drop the puck

I know little about Hockey, but I know when the MLB went through the same thing, it only succeeded in pissing off a whole lot of fans.

This stuff only degrades the game, and considering what pro athletes are paid these days, they find little sympathy from fans in these times.

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 02-17-2005, 09:30 Post: 106281

Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Shingletown, Ca. (Near Redding)
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
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 Let drop the puck

As usual, it's the lawyers, courts, unions, and agents who are encouraging and allowing things to get out of control. The league governing bodies for all these sports turn a blind eye as long as the money keeps rolling in.

I'm a bit of a football fanatic, and I really hate what's happening to the sport. The league is putting all these rules in place to 'protect the players', to the degree that it's taking all the fun out of the game for the spectator, and putting way too much power in the hands of refs to control the outcome of games on "judgement calls".

Combined with the fact that they are only hired part time, I see a recipe for disaster there for corruption and game fixing.

Athletes more and more are just looking out for themselves and rarely have a 'team player' attitude for more than a year or two out of college.

I blame free agnecy for this. Free agency has ruined every sport it has touched. There is no loyalty to the team or from the team, and so players and teams have a 'hell with them' attitude. As a result, everybody has become a commodity, represented by lawyers, unions, and agents.

Combine this with the fact that the media elevates them to god like status, exacerbates these problems even more.

Pro sports are definitely not going in the right direction.

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